Android App Development Solution

Android App Development Services that Every Business Strive for

Custom Android App Development

At Radicallabs we develop Android apps that are user-friendly and business-ready. We ensure that the development of futuristic Android Apps that stick to client specifications. Our team is specialized in experience and expertise to deliver business-ready and user-friendly android solutions. We know the use cases and constraints of Android smart phone devices. Radicallabs Android Development team has developed Android applications to solve the real issues of various businesses, industries, and professions. Our team will transform your idea into a fully-functional, device-ready Android Application.

Enterprise Android Solution

Radicallabs has innate capabilities by providing Android Enterprise Apps. Enterprise mobility is the current buzzword when it comes to technological advancement in the world of business. Businesses and individuals alike are racing towards enterprise mobility solutions in an effort to take their ventures to the next level of success and progress. An important element in this world of enterprise mobility solutions is the fact that the applications can be offered on multiple platforms. Android is the most popular platform used, it is vital that your enterprise mobile solutions work on the Android platform.

Android App Testing & Maintenance

Testing is an important part of any Android App Development, Our Android app maintenance services support model ensures better and faster software maintenance, increased app productivity, thereby resulting in higher app ROI. Our round-the-clock (24×7/365) supports, regular maintenance to assure bug-free and crash-free apps, timely updates for OS versions, and upgrades to integrate the upcoming technologies. Our Rewarding Maintenance Services offers technical support, bug fixing, corrective maintenance, and app version upgrades, etc. Our ingenious team manages all maintenance work including app monitoring, app upgrades, and enhancements.

App Cloud Integration

Android is more powerful when we integrate it with other cloud services and third-party APIs. These APIs are included to fulfill the specific needs of our client and to deliver then Android App. Plenty of Cloud services with myriads of APIs, GPS and tons of various external services need to integrate to build a contemporary Android app. We have mastery over every integration service prevailing in the market. We indulge in a regulatory and scheduled updation of third party API integration with regulatory services for the applications developed or under pre-scoped contract indulgences with the probable applications developed.

Brands & Clients

Our Portfolio

  • All
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Apps
  • Graphics

Video Player All Format

Play Everything

Web 3



Coloring Book and Pages

Coloring Book For All



Web 2



Pixel Coloring App

Pixel Coloring

Graphics 1


Graphics 2


Web 1



Color By Number

Color By Number App


Dots Coloring App

Join Dots to Color

Web 1



Look Wallpaper App

Android Wallpaper App


PicFont App

Pic Font App

Graphics 2


Graphics 2



Word Cloud App

World Cloud App

Web 1



All Video Downloader App

Downloader App

Web 1



Facebook Video Downloader

Facebook Downloader


One Point Customer App

One Point LLP





Android App


CPU Cooler

CPU Cooler App


App Lock

App Lock App


Poster Maker App

Canvas App

Why choose us?

Our Android app development team is looking for challenges and strive to turn the perception of our clients into the professional and user-friendly Android software products.

top android app developer

Google’s Android will maintain its leadership in the market, projected to account for approximately 85% of all smart phones shipment worldwide by 2022. Radicallabs has developed Android applications to solve the real issues of various businesses, industries, and professions. In this rapidly booming Android app industry, Radicallabs is a leading Android app development company that develops custom Android applications for leading brands, enterprises, and start ups. Android has a unique ecosystem and one of the best tools we have available for business growth and development. And our Android engineers can assist you throughout this app development process.

Our Android experts have always delivered successful porting solutions. Our creative Android app designers have infused the latest technologies and trends in the Android app redesign projects

A Team of Experienced Android Developers

We have an experienced team of Android app developers, who have already developed over 200 Android apps of different categories.

Different Industries Experience

We have extensive experience working with brands, enterprises, and startups across the globe. Our Android app developers have expertise in Android app design and developing custom Android Apps for mentioned domains and industries.

Technical Support

We do have a technical support team that will listen to your queries and provides an appropriate solution to your problem and give seamless experience.

Zencart Development

Our ZenCart Development Services ensure that your online store and other custom zencart solutions are developed with the latest industry standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Our Clients Say?

Here's what our client has to say about our work, there is no greater achievement and validation for our work than the opinions of our clients.