Our Strategy for Project Delivery

Radicallabs Transparent Project Delivery and Development Model

about radicallabs why choose radicallabs

Radicallabs provides a structured framework aimed at delivering a high-quality solution to the clients. Radicallabs Development model has been refined over a period by Radicallabs leadership who have a total experience pool of over 50 years between them. This business model takes the best of industry practices like Agile and Rational Unified Process(RUP) and benchmarks the best approach to achieve maximum performance and highest quality.

Our software development model ensures that the customer is involved at all stages of development and transparency is maintained.. By keeping the customer involved we ensure a satisfactory product in all phases of software development. It allows the customer to understand the core of development and a part of the Radicallabs team.Here we make you feel not just a part of the action but also leading from the front.
The Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd. development model places the customer at the helm of the process thus raising the confidence and returns from the product delivered.


Clients usually have an idea of what they want as the end result, but not what the software should go. Our skilled and experiences experts help the clients define the software requirements and scope thereby generating a clear map for the client and our development teams. We it is this step where we generate maximum value for the clients.

Implementation, Testing And Documenting:

All plans are as good as their implementation; At Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd. we understand that and our software experts ensure that we follow the code to the letter. Our Quality team ensures that defects are recognized as soon as possible.

Deployment And Maintenance:

One the product is accepted by the client we move towards deployment. Our support teams ensure that the applications have the right environment for the applications and take care of any eventualities. Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd CRM team keeps an eye on the latest trends and updates our clients continually on how to improve their applications, adding value to your business even after the product has been delivered.

radicallabs discover and design prototype

Discover From Ideas And Design A Perfect Prototype

We start from the concept of the client's imagination and start discovering it. To get closer we visit the concerned organization and exchange our ideas, visions, and values and get familiar with work-flow and gather the client's requirement and create a report on behalf of our knowledge gains and experience by the visit. We create a report after this that contains several points like business level requirements, technical level requirements, projects work-flow with the break-up and delivery points and estimated project Time-line.

After all this documentation we create and design a perfect prototype. Our prototype has established and well-designed User-Interface guidelines & Code guidelines, data modeling, and test plans for modular & integrated application testing.

develop ideas and real time apps

Develop Idea into Real Time Application and Successfully Deploy it.

After we get confirmation of the prototype for our client we start our development phase that mainly comprises coding and architecture development of application divided into different modules and milestones. As we develop modules, testing is performed on other modules. Besides testing and development, we have a Quality Assurance team that performs entire test suites for all modules. These developed and tested modules will be further tested by stakeholders. Once the stakeholder accepts the deliverable modules, it is considered as successful completion of the phase.

After completing all the modules through the above-explained process, we eventually move to final integration testing and Quality Assessment. All these integration and quality checks are done under ISTQB Certified professionals. This phase is important because it ensures that the application is carried our swiftly and perfectly delivered to clients.