Our Different Business Models

The Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd. business model engages the clients following their business requirements and the project at hand. Our experts tune the existing business models to ensure that client goal are met within the Direct Measures of Quality (DMOQ) specified by the clients. These DMOQ’s may be delivery Time, Cost, Design, Security, Technology, etc. At Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd. we believe each individual need is unique, our business models are developed with this philosophy in mind.

radicallabs app development fixed price time model


When the client has a clear scope of the project in mind our business analysts and project managers work with the client to define specific deliverables and timelines which are then converted to a mutually agreed price for the project. With the involvement of the development manager from the first day, the process guarantees predefined performance and delivery. With the budget clearly defined by the client can plan their overhead in line with project delivery.

 radicallabs app development hourly rate business model


At times the client has an idea which needs to be developed into a project, this is where our hourly rate project model comes handy. Also, when the client application needs minor enhancements over time they prefer this model. A project manager along with the business analyst provides an hourly sheet per requirement which when approved by the client moves forward to development.

Radicallabs app development dedicated team model


High turnover applications and turnkey projects deserve a dedicated team working towards its development and maintenance. This model provides for a dedicated team of experts working only on one project continuously. This provides for an always-on support team that understands the huge application inside and out and can step-in and delivers as soon as a need presents itself. All of our major clients/business partners opt for this model, the team working with them shares the same relationship with them as if they were under direct employment.

Radicallabs app development maintenance model


The Radicallabs Technology Pvt. Ltd. maintenance model allows you to benefit from our services at a cost up to almost 50% of our regular service charges. This is the perfect investment in your website instantly giving your returns. Buy hours in advance from us and get your work done as and when you require it. We make sure that we deliver the same quality and response every time. Each task is appraised and the hourly estimates are approved by the client beforehand. Any hours that are not used up are carried over to the next cycle.